SaturdayMan: The '80s Hero of the 2000s
The planet is in grave danger.
Lord Slumber, that vile scoundrel, has invaded Earth with his sleep-inducing rays. He wants humanity to fall asleep by 10 PM! But for the Saturday night superheroes—SaturdayMan and his band of wild powers—when the party ends, it's only just beginning!
SaturdayMan is a crazy transmedia project initiated in 2011 by the group of friends from Sunday Pistols Studio. This project first saw the light of day as a short film, then went through a full reboot funded by crowdfunding (300% of its goal!), featuring french triple A guests like Le JDG, Brigitte Lecordier, Éric Legrand, and the one and only Marcus (with a disgusting prosthesis, but better than Ridley Scott's).
On this occasion, the project expanded to a transmedia venture with a sequel in the form of a video game on NES, a connected board game, and music on vinyl and MP3.
The entire adventure is incredibly documented in detail (and sideways too) in the series documenting the project, “The Adventures of the Adventures of SaturdayMan”.
So, through the power of the happy hour, become SaturdayMan!